I love Mrs Fox from Wes Anderson's The Fantastic Mr Fox. She's blunt, she's firm, and she knows where she stands:
MRS. FOX Twelve fox-years ago, you made a promise to me while we were caged inside that fox- trap that, if we survived, you would never steal another chicken, goose, turkey, duck, or squab, whatever they are. I believed you. Why did you lie to me? FOX (SIMPLY) Because I'm a wild animal. MRS. FOX You're also a husband and a father. FOX (PAINED) I'm trying to tell you the truth about myself. MRS. FOX I don't care about the truth about yourself.
Fox looks down at the ground. He nods and tries to contain his emotions. Mrs. Fox watches him coldly. MRS. FOX This story is too predictable. FOX (SURPRISED) Predictable? Really? What happens in the end? MRS. FOX (QUIETLY) In the end, we all die -- unless you change.
SO powerful!